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What's happening in the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department

February 19, 2020

By David Ogul

CSUSM professor Natalie Wilson recently released her new book, Willful Monstrosity: Gender and Race in 21st Century Horror.

Cal State San Marcos professor Natalie Wilson, PhD, wants us to look at zombies, vampires and witches as warriors for social justice. Wilson, who teaches primarily for the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department and who has written extensively about horror in popular culture, has released a new book, Willful Monstrosity: Gender and Race in 21st Century Horror, that examines characters in the current horror renaissance as metaphors for the battle against sexual violence, greed, police brutality and other social justice issues. Her work focuses on productions such as Get Out, Us, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and Stranger Things, and works by authors such as Carmen Maria Machado, Justin Cronin and Helen Oyeyemi (follow her blog where she posts regularly on horror). “Horror stories today specifically speak to things that are happening right now, including police brutality and the #MeToo movement,” she said. “Monsters can be seen as heroic figures. Even where monsters are not great, humans are worse.” Wilson said she wrote Willful Monstrosity partly as a counterpoint to her last book, Seduced by Twilight, which critiqued the Twilight saga from a feminist perspective and highlighted the worrying message that the series sent to the teens who comprised its biggest audience: It’s OK to stay with an abusive partner. “In this book, I wanted to look at the good or positive characteristics that monsters bring,” Wilson said. She explained that Us offers a metaphor about oppressed workers and the underclass, and Get Out illuminates white supremacy and black exploitation through its story detailing a white community’s practice of placing the brains of white people in black bodies.

“In a sense, the monstrous attacker is (white) suburbia itself – a place not safe for black bodies (as evidenced via real-world incidents such as the murder of Trayvon Martin and countless other black citizens),” Wilson writes. Even when the monsters are, well, monsters, the audience needs to put things in perspective. She argues, for example, that the rape culture and domestic abuse permeating humans is far worse than the zombie world of the The Walking Dead series.To make the work accessible and interesting for a wide audience, Wilson composed it as a compilation of reviews of horror and monster texts rather than a theoretical treatise. Sections include “Staying Woke in an Undead World: Political Undercurrents in Zombie Narratives,” “Draining the Imperialist White-Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy,” “Wicked Good: Witches of the New Millennium,” and “Woman, Thy Name Is Monster.” Writes Wilson: “In spite of—or perhaps because of—several years of marked global unrest and political divisiveness, the horror genre has served up hopeful tales of apocalypses averted and communities united against villainy. We have seen life-affirming visions of zombie children saving the planet (as in The Girl with All the Gifts), vampires eager to prevent humanity’s demise (as in The Passage), and witchy women dedicated to thwarting reproductive injustice (Red Clocks, Penny Dreadful). Monstrous outcasts have taken down mad scientists (Stanger Things, The OA), military corruption (The Shape of Water, The Passage), and devilish patriarchs (The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Get Out). As these examples convey, some of the most successful horror narratives of our times not only let the monster live, they also applaud the paradigm-busting and wall-breaching capabilities of cultural outsiders. With its feminist Middle-Eastern vampires, its deaf female heroes, its queer renegades, its autistic geniuses, its children-of-color world-saviors, and its gnashers of patriarchy, the 21st century horror landscape has thus far been chock-full of progressive, counter-cultural, monster-celebrating tales.” A lifelong fan of horror, Wilson conducts research that involves parsing a story’s themes and placing them in a social context, examining how reviewers are interpreting the film or text, and delving into the comments of directors and writers. “There is a long history of using horror stories and monsters to make a political statement and a commentary on social justice, and we’re currently seeing a horror renaissance and a huge growth in critically acclaimed horror films,” Wilson said. “Horror films such as Get Out and monster movies such as The Shape of Water are even winning Academy Awards.” Both hard copy and ebook versions are available via Amazon.

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By Iris Zermeño

Gender conformity and nonconformity,

female and male, no we don’t all circumscribe into the binary

and with any deviation from the norm

comes this policing of the self to avoid disapproval, punishment, and ridicule.

We judge, improve and work on ourselves until we are closer to the prototype.

Some choose to blur the lines,

because do people really need to know what you are?

Do they need to know what it took to get you this far?

No, it’s not a phase, and I am what I know myself to be according to gender performativity,

It is what you do, not what you are,

yet in this American culture, society can eat and poke like vultures.

Boys don’t wear pink, boys don’t play with dolls, and boys, don’t you dare cry.

Men assert power, emit aggression and are always in control,

but driving out compassion and caring qualities can take its toll.

The notion of violent masculinity is teaching boys what it means to be a man.

There is this seemingly incurable disease; the normalization of violence in society,

masculine entitlement and misogyny.

Women are subordinate and are oppressed to no expense to men,

the hegemony that exists only validates this then.

We all want things to change, and we all want to know when.

But seeing the current status of our culture,

The answer to that question is rather left unsaid.


I am currently a fourth year student at California State University San Marcos, majoring in Liberal Studies and pursuing a teaching career in level K-5. One of the reasons behind my wanting to take WGSS 101: Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies is because I wanted to learn the motives and incentives individuals that push and draw people to discrimination. “Our Circumscription” depicts the issues that induce these socially formulated categories of difference. It further delves into heteronormativity and this idea of how anyone and anything else that deviates from the norm needs to be “fixed.” This poem questions identity and its validation, questions oppressions and privileges in the hegemony, highlights the normalization of violence in society, and ultimately leaves the audience with no solution to issues within American culture. In the end, it is society that circumscribes itself in a world with rules they create followed by expectations of conformity and fear of change. Becoming a teacher isn’t my main goal, although it is part of it. My priority is to inform and teach children about society’s issues, providing them tools for labeling oppressions and standing up to the hegemony that enforces a hierarchy based on categories of difference. Although it may be difficult to induce change, teaching is my way of attempting to create change within society.

Photo credit: Zackary Drucker for the Gender Spectrum Collection from VICE.

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